Are you thinking about taking some lessons?
Are you a horn teacher looking for more students?
Give us a shout!
Thirty-nine horn teachers, from the Iron Range to Northfield and from western suburbs of the ‘Cities to western Wisconsin, in person and via social media (Skype, Zoom, Facetime, Google Meet, Messenger, etc.), teaching beginners (including adult beginners) through professionals, have listed themselves in our “regional horn teachers” resource so far!
We would be happy to send you our list. Just write to us at
Add yourself to our list! Take about 2 minutes to fill in a simple Google Form with your contact information and some details about the levels you teach, where you teach, your availability, etc. Info from your submission will go into a spreadsheet that we will share with a student only when they contact us (it will not be posted on our website or any other social media). We’d love to have a big long list covering the whole metro area (and beyond), so please provide your info even if you have only limited availability!
You’ll find the form here.